Privacy Policy

This privacy notice tells you what to expect when the Cornish Buildings Group (hereafter ‘CBG’) collects. It applies to information that we collect about;-

· CBG members

· Attendees at events organised by the CBG

· Visitors to our websites

· People seeking advice and guidance from the CBG.

The CBG only holds personal data in order to enable it to fulfil its aims and objectives which are;-

· To stimulate interest, appreciation and knowledge of good building in Cornwall, and to encourage the erection, protection, repair and recording of such buildings.

· To encourage the protection and repair of historic buildings whether these are listed buildings or simply good examples of traditional building, aiming to encourage good architecture and to raise the general standard of building throughout the county.

· To encourage our generation to leave behind it buildings which will be looked back on with that same pleasure and enjoyment that we experience when we look at the architecture of past ages.

CBG Members

We collect and hold basic information about CBG members (e.g. names, postal addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers) in order to be able to contact members about events and to send them information of interest relating to the aims and objectives of the CBG set out above. We store the information on a simple database which is held securely on one of our computers, with access limited to our Membership Secretary, who only allows use if the data for appropriate purposes aligned with the CBG’s objectives.

Website and Social Media

We use our website and social media to promulgate information and our views about matters related to our objectives. We do not make any attempt to determine the identities of people visiting our website or social media sites where the identities are not already apparent. We do not use analytic tools to examine website or social media site access.


If you email us or contact us through social media the message will be held on our systems, but we do not share that information unless there is a valid reason in line with our objectives to forward your message to other relevant parties, in which case we would seek your consent.


We run an annual Awards scheme for new design and conservation work within Cornwall. Any personal information that is included in Awards entries is only used for the purposes of considering the Awards entry. The information is held in our secure files. Information about Awards winners, people receiving commendations under the Awards scheme and other entrants may also be published on our website and on displays relating to the Awards scheme.

Conferences and Events

Any personal information that is received from people applying to attend conferences and events organised by the CBG is held on secure files. Where individuals have consented, the information may be used to notify applicants of subsequent events that might be of interest to them.

Right to Object to Processing of Personal Data

You have the right to object to the CBG processing your personal data, for example for direct marketing purposes. If you wish to object please contact as directly and we will deal with your request.