Our Constitution

NAME The name of the Group shall be the Cornish Buildings Group.

OBJECTS The objects of the Group shall be to stimulate interest in and appreciation and knowledge of good buildings in Cornwall, and to encourage the erection, protection, repair and recording of such buildings by any means which may appear expedient.

MEMBERSHIP Membership shall, subject to the discretion of the Council, be open to all who shall pay the subscription hereinafter mentioned. The Council may as a condition of membership require that a member or prospective member shall sign such statement of support of the objects of the Group as may be specified by the Council.

COUNCIL General Management of the Group shall be in the hands of a Council consisting of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Awards Secretary, elected members and co- opted members.

ELECTIONS The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Awards Secretary and not less than 8 nor more than 12 other members of the Council shall be elected annually by the Annual General Meeting. The Council may elect such other office-holders and Sub-Committees as may be found necessary.

CHAIRMAN The Chairman shall if present take the Chair at all General Meetings and meetings of the Council. If the Chairman shall be absent from any such meetings the members present shall elect one of their number to act as Chairman of the meeting.

CASUAL VACANCIES If a casual vacancy shall arise in any office or among the elected members of the Council then the Council may elect any member of the Group to fill the same until the next Annual General Meeting.

CO-OPTION The Council may co-opt not more than two additional Council members for such periods as it may determine.

COUNCIL MEETINGS The Council shall meet as and when necessary and the Secretary shall give at least seven days notice of meetings to each member. Six members present shall form a quorum.

EMERGENCY ACTION The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, or any two of them, shall together with one other member of the Council have power in an emergency to act on behalf of the Council and the Group, but shall report any such action so taken to the next Council meeting.

GENERAL MEETINGS The Annual General Meeting shall be held within four months of the end of the Group’s financial year, and shall receive reports on the activities of the Group for that year. Special General Meetings to discuss specific topics may be convened by direction of the Council and shall be convened upon the written requisition of twenty members of the Group. The Secretary shall give at least fourteen days notice of General Meetings to all members of the Group. Ten members present shall form a quorum.

SUBSCRIPTIONS The subscription to the Group shall be as proposed by the Council and approved by the Annual General Meeting by a simple majority. The membership of any person whose subscription shall be in arrear for two years shall be suspended until all arrears are paid.

SPECIAL The Council may make such arrangements as it thinks fit:

MEMBERSHIP (a) for block membership of the Group for schools and other organisations.

ARRANGEMENTS (b) for reciprocal membership facilities with other bodies, including representation of the Group on the committees of such bodies and vice-versa.

ACCOUNTS The Treasurer shall make up the accounts of the Group to 31st December in each year unless another date shall be fixed by the Council. The accounts shall be certified by an auditor appointed by the Coun- cil and presented to the Annual General Meeting.

CHANGE OF RULES These rules shall be changed only by vote of a General Meeting the notice of which includes particulars of the proposed change.

17th January 1970, amended 13th February 1971 and March 2016.