
The Maxwell Cemetery is located at 901 Baldwin Street. It was created in 1870. The land for the original part of the cemetery is generally thought to have been donated by George Washington Boitnott, whose land included the Northwest part of what is now Maxwell. Later additions, south and east of the drive, was purchased by the Town of Maxwell. In 1894, the Ladies if the Cemetery Association petitioned the City Council that the care of the New Cemetery be turned over to the Association. In the late 1970's the cemetery was returned to the custody of the Town of Maxwell.

The Pioneer Cemetery is located behind 522 Broad Street. In 1887 there was a count of 74 buried in the Old Cemetery (54 names known). Some of these were later removed to the New Maxwell Cemetery, possibly about the time changes were being made due to the railroad coming through south Maxwell.

A City ordinance prohibited any further burials in the south graveyard and in 1886, a committee was appointed to counsel those people with relatives buried there to have the bodies moved elsewhere.