Functional MRI Hand-On Training

Time: Mar - Sept, 2002

Place: National Taiwan Univ-EE (國立台灣大學電機系)

(3/9) Introduction to Functional MRI

1. Physiology, Mechanism Download Slide

2. Safety Download Slide Screen Form

3. How to Get Good Data -- Stability Issue Download Slide

(4/20) Basic Human fMRI Experiment

1. Basic Experiment Design Download Slide

2. fMRI Lab: Hardware and Software Download Slide

3. How to Prepare an Experiment Download Slide

(5/4) Basic fMRI Data Analysis

1. Preprocessing of fMRI Data Download Slide

2. Statistical Analysis & Visualization Download Slide

3. Demo: Data Analysis

Quiz and Answer

(7/13) Advanced Human fMRI Experiment

1. Event-related Design Download Slide

2. More on Statistical Analysis & Visualization Download Slide

3. Demo: SPM

(8/10) Advanced Techniqus for fMRI Experiment

1. Technical Issues Download Slide

2. Limitation of BOLD fMRI and things beyond Download Slide

3. Demo: tips and tricks of MRI

Quiz and Answer