I-5. Create Paradigm


This section described the function of Setup Paradigm in the Setup pull-down menu.

A boxcar signal model can be specified to calculate the correlation with the patterns identified by the model-free analysis, KCN and FCM. It can also be used to perform model-based analysis like cross-correlation analysis or t-test.

Please noticed that this function is only enabled after loading fMRI data.

1. Create Paradigm

1. right-click on the "Setup" pull-down menu and select the "Setup Paradigm".

2. input the "Number of Stimulating Levels".

It is the number of activation tasks you used in addition to the control task. The maximum number is 4. For example, the Number of Stimulating Levels for a simple OFF-ON-OFF-ON paradigm is 1.

3. select the "Period Type".

Ctrl means Control state. Stim1 means the 1st Stimulating state.

4. input the beginning and ending scan number of the chosen period type.

Here, the scan number begins at 1.

5. click on "Add" to add this block to the paradigm.

6. repeating steps 3 to 5 until the complete paradigm was inputted.

7. click on "OK" to finish.

2. Edit Paradigm

If you mistyping any block in the paradigm, you can click on the incorrect block. The range and type of the selected block will be shown. You can either click "Delete" to remove it or change the type/range directly and click "Modify". Please noted that if you insert a block using "Add", the new one will be inserted after the current position.

If you want to remove the whole paradigm, click on "Clear".

3. Load/Save Paradigm

It's better to save the inputted paradigm for later use. After finished inputting the paradigm, click on the "Save..." to open a pop-up window. You can specify the path and filename. Please remember to add ".pdm" extension to the filename.

If you have a saved paradigm, click on "Load..." to open a browse window. Find and click on the paradigm file you want to load and click on "OK" to finish.