
Nov 2023. Kai got AUD$855k Discovery Project grant from the Australian Research Council.

July 2023. Zengmin's paper on identifying and manipulating causal network hub of behavior is accepted by Nature Communications.

April 2023, Our multi-lab rodent fMRI paper is highlighted in the cover page of Nature Neuroscience.

Feb 2023, Our multi-lab paper on consensus protocol for resting-state fMRI in rodent accepted by Nature Neuroscience

Dec 2022, Kai's paper on fMRI of the brain hierarchy accepted by PNAS

May 2022, Kai's paper on deep learning network for combined bias field correction and brain extract accepted by Scientific Reports.

Mar 2022, Alice's paper on basal forebrain MRI accepted by Neurobiology of Aging.

Dec 2021. Our rodent fMRI nuisance removal method is adopted in an unified preprocessing pipeline developed by Keilholz' lab in Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.

Dec 2021. Alice's paper on neurogenesis accepted by iScience.

23 Sep, 2020. Alice and Lei's study on preclinical SMS imaging awarded second place in the Bruker MRI Award contest.

Lei and Alice's paper on SMS-DTI accepted by NMR Biomedicine.

Kai joined the Frontiers of Neuroscience - Brain Imaging Methods as an Associate Editor — Apr 16, 2020 3:21:19 AM

PCNN3D update — May 24, 2019 2:58:05 AM

The preprint of ultrafast rodent fMRI using multiband EPI is available — Mar 21, 2019 12:37:52 PM

Can you speed up imaging without losing SNR? — Mar 21, 2019 3:20:54 AM

Unparallely ultrafast fMRI using multiband EPI — Mar 21, 2019 3:18:12 AM

Lei's paper on “Ultrafast fMRI of the Mouse Brain Using Simultaneous Multi-Slice EPI" has been accepted by NeuroImage. — Mar 19, 2019 11:28:52 PM

Kai's paper on "Evaluation of Nuisance Removal for Functional MRI of Rodent Brain" has been accepted by NeuroImage. — Dec 23, 2018 1:34:07 AM

Weitang's paper on "Connectomic imaging reveals Huntington-related pathological and pharmaceutical effects in a mouse model" accepted by NMR Biomedicine. — Aug 1, 2018 12:18:07 AM

Kai's new review paper on "Functional networks and network perturbations in rodents" accepted by Neuroimage. — Sep 19, 2017 11:59:01 PM

Tips for using PCNN3D is provided — Sep 8, 2017 12:11:17 AM

New interface for PCNN3D is available — Aug 8, 2017 6:57:40 AM

Xin's paper on "Brain plasticity following MI-BCI training combined with tDCS in a randomized trial in chronic subcortical stroke subjects: a preliminary study” accepted by Scientific Reports — Jul 18, 2017 4:47:27 AM

Fatima's paper on "GABAergic effect on resting-state functional connectivity: dynamics under pharmacological antagonism" has been accepted by Neuroimage — Jan 17, 2017 11:57:22 PM

The lab got awarded AUD$486k by NHMRC to collaborate with MGH in NIH BRAIN — Dec 5, 2016 2:58:25 AM

Prashant's paper on developing “Octreotide Functionalized Nano-Contrast Agent for Targeted Magnetic Resonance Imaging” is accepted by Biomacromolecule — Nov 29, 2016 4:34:56 AM

The lab got awarded AUD$21k for collaboration with Univ Tubingen on understanding functional and metabolic connectivity using MR-PET — Nov 10, 2016 12:09:09 AM

Anna's paper on "MEMRI detects neuronal activity and connectivity in hypothalamic neural circuit responding to leptin" accepted by NeuroImage. — Oct 12, 2016 6:47:41 AM

Kai-Hsiang joined the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports — Sep 28, 2016 4:41:27 AM

Collaboration paper with Prof Lin's lab in Univ of Kentucky on "Caloric restriction preserves learning and memory of aging mice with early enhancement of cerebral blood flow and blood-brain barrier integrity" is accepted by the journal Aging. — Sep 28, 2016 4:40:09 AM

The lab got awarded AUD$140k grant from BICARE in collaboration with Mater Research to study mental illness in adolescence! — Aug 21, 2016 11:24:49 PM

Welcome Dr Aung Aung Moe to join the lab as a Postdoc! — Jul 27, 2016 12:27:40 PM

Welcome Xuan Vinh to join the lab as a PhD student in QBI! — Jul 27, 2016 12:26:57 PM

Xin and Xuan Vinh's paper accepted by Scientific Reports — Jul 27, 2016 12:26:03 PM

Kai-Hsiang got invited to join the Editorial Board of NeuroImage — Jul 11, 2016 12:23:50 AM

Joint paper on photoacoustic imaging and MRI for molecular imaging of glioblastoma accepted by Journal of Biophotonics. — May 20, 2016 5:04:38 AM

Joint paper on early white matter degeneration in Huntington disease accepted by Human Molecular Genetics. — May 20, 2016 4:59:32 AM

ISMRM 2016 — May 2, 2016 12:41:07 PM

PCNN3D — Apr 15, 2016 6:19:41 AM

Prashant's paper on “Multispectral optoacoustic and MRI coregistration for molecular imaging of orthotopic model of human glioblastoma” has been accepted for publication in Journal of Biophotonics — Mar 17, 2016 2:33:40 AM

Bhanu and Hussein's paper on automatic segmentation of brown fat is accepted by MAGMA — Feb 17, 2016 2:13:33 AM

Lab moved to Queensland Brain Institute and Centre for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland! — Oct 20, 2015 6:36:29 AM

Prashant's paper on "Non-canonical NF-κB signalling and ETS1/2 co-operatively drive C250T mutant TERT promoter activation" accepted by Nature Cell Biology — Aug 20, 2015 1:31:32 AM

Fatima and Xuan Vinh's paper on "Functional connectivity MRI tracks memory networks after maze learning in rodents" accepted by NeuroImage. — Aug 4, 2015 2:20:23 AM

Binbin's paper on "Spatial memory training induces morphological changes detected by Manganese-Enhanced MRI in the hippocampal CA3 mossy fiber terminal zone." accepted by NeuroImage. — Jul 22, 2015 6:36:45 AM

Job open — Jun 25, 2015 5:37:19 AM

Xin and Xuan Vinh's paper on "Evaluation of EPI distortion correction methods for quantitative MRI of the brain at high magnetic field" is accepted by Magnetic Resonance Imaging — Jun 23, 2015 3:34:22 AM

Anna's abstract on "MEMRI Detects Neuronal Activity and Connectivity in Hypothalamic Neural Circuit" got the ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Award — Jun 9, 2015 3:38:25 AM

Fatima's paper on "Dependence of BOLD signal fluctuation on arterial blood pCO2 and pO2: implication for resting-state functional connectivity" acceped by NeuroImage. — May 13, 2015 2:25:35 PM

Reshmi's paper on "Optimization of Arterial Spin Labeling MRI for Quantitative Tumor Perfusion in Mouse Xenograft Model"  accepted by NMR Biomed — Apr 23, 2015 4:59:13 AM

Prashant's paper on "Pharmacokinetics of Gd(DO3A-Lys) and MR imaging studies in an orthotopic tumor model.” accepted by Contrast Media Mol Imaging. — Dec 2, 2014 11:00:01 AM

Pharmacological insight into neurotransmission origins of resting-state functional connectivity: α2 adrenergic agonist vs antagonist. — Dec 2, 2014 10:58:43 AM

ISMRM 2014 awards — May 2, 2014 2:29:23 AM


Detection of functional connectivity in the resting mouse brain — Oct 14, 2013 1:49:52 AM

Fatima's paper on "Neural correlate of resting-state functional connectivity under α2 adrenergic receptor agonist, medetomidine" has been accepted in NeuroImage. — Aug 5, 2013 7:41:00 AM

ISMRM 2013 — Apr 15, 2013 4:14:53 AM

Fatima's paper on "Imaging brain deoxyglucose uptake and metabolism by gluco-CEST MRI" is accepted by Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. — Apr 11, 2013 8:43:12 AM

Reshmi's paper "Quantitative mouse renal perfusion using arterial spin labeling” accepted by NMR in Biomedicine — Mar 6, 2013 1:39:37 AM

Fatima's paper "Optimization of flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) for perfusion fMRI of rodent brain" accepted by NMR in Biomedicine. — Jan 17, 2012 11:36:56 AM

Fatima's paper "Pharmacological modulation of functional connectivity: α2 adrenergic receptor agonist alters synchrony but not neural activation.” accepted by NeuroImage. — Dec 16, 2011 11:05:57 AM

10-Feb-2011: Nigel's 3D PCNN paper accepted by IEEE Transaction on Image Processing — Mar 7, 2011 10:51:31 AM