FACT: Download & Install

Current version: 4.9.5 (distributed on Nov 1, 2013) » What's New

System Requirements:

Platform: Sun SPARC, Intel/AMD x86

OS: Sun Solaris, Solaris x86, Linux x86, MS Windows 98/2000/XP (with Cygwin), Apple OS X

Memory: The more the better (at least 16MB to start the program).

Library: XView Library

Binary Download:

Solaris 2.x gzip (compiled under Solaris 2.6) old

Solaris x86 gzip (compiled under Solaris 8 x86) old

-- You can download Solaris x86 here. A Chinese setup guide is here.

-- Will not be supported after version 4.15. (Forgive me :~)

Linux x86 gzip (compiled by GCC under RedHat Enterprise WS 3.0) current

-- You can download XView Library here. Use command 'rpm -Uvh xview-*' to install.

-- You better install xview-3.2p1.4-16 or later. Otherwise some warning messages will appear.

-- Optimized for Intel Pentium / AMD Athlon CPUs with MMX instruction sets.

MS Windows zip (compiled under MS WindowsXP + Cygwin 1.5) old

-- You will need to install Cygwin (a Linux-like environment in M$ Windows) first.

-- Follow the instructions to install XView Library.

Apple OS X zip (compiled under OS X 10.6.8) current

-- You have to install XView Library from a PKG file here. Since the lib was compiled for old system, you need to download lib files olgx.a & xview.a and replace those in the /usr/openwin/lib.

-- Follow the instructions to install X11-related tools if XView didn't work.


1. Download the pre-compiled executable file.

2. Copy the file to a desired directory.

3. Uncompress it by typing

'gzip -d fact*.gz' or 'tar xzf fact*.tgz'

4. Rename the uncompressed file to a shorter filename you like, e.g., fact, by

'mv fact.Sol fact'.

5. Change the access permission of the file by

'chmod a+x fact'.

6. Run FACT by typing


7. If you want to use AIR, you have to download, compile it and then assign its path in FACT.

Compile on 64bit system:

1. Ubuntu:

Install X11 development for i386:

sudo apt-get install libx11-dev:i386

Set "LDLIB = -L/usr/lib32 -L/emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib" in Makefile.

Last Update: 2013/11/1