FACT: Quick Guide

Run the software:

In terminal, simply type command 'fact'.

There are 3 options that can be added to the command, e.g, 'fact -c':

1. -c: skip colormap check

2. -i [path/filename of index]: load the specified index file

3. -Wx small: force using small fonts. This is useful when the displayed font size was too big so that the menu items can't be seen.

GUI usage note:

Before you start, please note that the way of using mouse click in selecting a menu item is different from the regular GUI interface. In this software, the "left click" is used to quickly choosing the first item in the menu, while the "right click" is to open up the menu itself.

1. Load time series data

2. Load anatomy

3. Load mask

4. Use index

5. Create paradigm

1. Variance map

2. Center-of-Mass Detection


1. KCN

2. FCM

3. Visualize

1. ROI

2. Zoom

V. Save

1. Snapshot

2. Binary data