FACT: Change Log

Ver 4.67 (2007/07/30)

Various bugs fixed in ROI display

Ver 4.65 (2007/07/02)

Fixed bugs in save ROI & get refwave

Fixed bug in ROI spectrum

Fixed bug in show Anatomy

Fixed bugs of ROI show active

Fixed bugs in load ROI

Fixed bugs in multi-ROI

Add display area size in color for each ROI

Add user defined baseline range for ROI ratio scale

Increase brightness/contrast max

Use Intel CC to compile Linux version for better performance

Ver 4.60 (2006/08/08)

Add multi-ROI

Fixed bugs in adjust contrast & brightness

Ver 4.50 (2005/09/16)

Add showing spectrum using DFT in [show ROI]

Add user define colorbar scale in [View]

Add bi-linear interpolation for anatomy image and can be swith on/off in [View]

Add browser in [Load ROI]

Add file size error in load_fmri, default CC=0.3, error_cond for roi

default on flip for Bruker file, reset CCA refwave type

Interface improvement

Add MS Windows version

Add auto file type in save roi wave & restore filename in CCA ROI

Add saving different coordinates in [COM]

Add restore pathname in save ROI

Add "Load HDR" in "load fMRI" file browser to set matrix size & format for Analyze/SPM files

Set defualt file format to SPM/AIR

Fixed bugs when saving p-value threshold activation maps

Fixed bug that incorrect orientation in save map if load images with flip L-R or U-D

Fixed memory leak problem by free() & remove unnecessary mem realloc to ximage

Fixed bugs in save map when use cluster size threshold

Set default load/save ROI & map path to data path

Ver 4.40 (2005/01/21)

Add "flip L-R" in "load fMRI"

Add "Bonferroni Adjustment" option to CCA. NOT works when using "mask".

Add "CCA Map" in "Show ROI" to easy the use of ROI to do CCA

Add "BG threshold" in "Show ROI" to remove pixels with mean<threshold; effective only after press enter in it

Add "Save ROI" & "Load ROI" to save/load ROI locations

Add display memory & loaded data info in main window

Change default ROI save format to float; default to show anatomy value

Change auto_adjust contrast to avoid set overflow values as min or max

Changed save roi waveform function to save multiple waveforms in cluster analysis

Changed default active_type to show positive & negative correlation

Changed auto_adjust of gray level to find 99.9% and 0.1% as max and min

Fixed bugs of wrong x,y position after change layout matrix size

Fixed some bugs in save map

Improved show pos/neg activation for all slices

Added show ctrl and stim signal value in ROI

Fixed bug of incorrect flip H-F in load fMRI

Fixed bug in load fMRI to reset window select to 0

Fixed bug of background threshold in CCA

Ver 4.36 (2004/04/13)

Fixed memory bugs of load fMRI

Fixed changing active ROI when refresh screen

Fixed wrong displayed slice number in interactive moving point ROI

Fixed bugs in load paradigm & anatomy from index

Ver 4.35 (2004/03/31)

Fixed bugs in changing layout

Fixed bugs in show next 4/8 slice

Fixed bugs of not correctly re-draw rotated ROI

Added pid to temp filenames to support running multiple FACT at the same time

Set show fMRI value as default

Ver 4.34 (2004/03/29)

Fixed the warning message when fialed to load file from command-line

Fixed bugs for rotating ROI in zoom window

Ver 4.33 (2004/03/25)

Fixed the warning message when fialed to load file from command-line

Fixed bugs for rotating ROI in zoom window

Ver 4.32 (2004/03/21)

Fixed bugs in continuous cluster size that caused display error

Fixed bugs in modify paradigm

Added displaying paradigm by different colors in background in show ROI

Ver 4.31 (2004/3/19)

Modified contrast/brightness adjustment to allow more flexable intensity range.

added "float" data type in "Load fMRI" & index

added "Fixed scale" in show ROI

added show waveform following cursor if select sigle point ROI

added calc signal change follow change show pixel

added more function to Paradigm Setup for easier editing and modification

fixed bug when loading index file without giving path from command line

Ver 4.30 (2004/2/5)

Allow arbitrary matrix size in load fMRI

Allow loading 32-bit image format

Added slice-by-slice registration in AIR toolbox

Added filename filter in file browser

Fixed problems on 24-bit color mode

Fixed various bugs

Ver 4.20 (2003/5/18)

Fixed bugs of incorrect rate scale in y-axis in ROI display

Fixed bugs of incorrect ROI waveforms in cluster analysis

Removed unnecessary KCN filenames setting in FCM window

Added "None" normalization method in FCM

Added auto detect Linux & 16-bit color setting

Ver 4.19 (2003/4/20)

Remove unnecessary item in save index

Add compact display mode in show ROI waveform & fixed some bugs here

Ver 4.18 (2003/3/31)

Fixed mean image creation overflow bug in load fMRI

Fixed some create/load index bugs

Version 4.16 (2003/2/23)

Fixed KCN rand() bug in Linux by RAND_MAX

Fixed KCN slice-by-slice analysis mapping bugs

Add slice-by-slice option in FCM

Add -baseline to KCN normalization

Add -baseline, /baseline to FCM normalization

Add flip H-F to Load Anatomy

Use MEAN image as default background

Quick User Guide is on-lined!

Version 4.15 (2003/2/19)

Linux version bugs fixed

Add KCN clustering using slice-by-slice & in selected ROI

Add show ROI waveform for cluster tool

Version 4.14 (02/14/11)

Add show FCM sub-clusters waveforms

Add normalize by user specified baseline

Fixed some bugs

Version 4.13 (02/11/11)

Changed KCN background variation threshold to based on

averaged bg std/mean, bg std, or user specified std, std/mean

Add background color selection in ROI window

Version 4.12 (02/11/02)

Fixed some bugs

Version 4.11 (02/10/27)

Add "Sort by Cluster Size", "Sort by Time to Peak" & "Sort by CC" to cluster window

Rearrange/redesign cluster window & ROI window

Add/improve error detection in KCN & FCM to avoid NaN problem

Enable numeric input box jump to next item after number check in "Load fMRI"

Version 4.10 (02/10/26)

Modified KCN random select to avoid rand() limit of 32768

Modified the default KCN & FCM save path to be the data path

Add "Flip H-F" function to "Load fMRI"

Version 4.08 (02/10/03)

Add file browser to Load fMRI & Load Anatomy

Version 4.07 (02/09/11)

Add show KCN clusters within each FCM cluster

Bug fix in cluster pallete color & missing button

Add show paradigm to show cluster waveform

Version 4.05 (02/07/23)

Add various normalization methods to KCN and FCM

Add median filter to KCN

Add correlation and absolute distance measure to FCM

Version 4.04 (02/07/21)

Enable loading multislice mask

Fixed bugs and rearrange layout in load mask

Integrate CCA in cluster result mapping

Version 4.03 (02/07/17)

Fix redraw canvas bugs for cluster waveform & layout

First release of Linux version (compiled under RedHat 7.2 and XView lib v.6)

Version 4.0 (02/03/03)

Add auto cluster number to FCM using the validity index proposed by Kwon SH, Electr. Let. 34:2176-77, 1998.

Add correlation coefficient between the paradigm and cluster waveforms

Add auto path to KCN/FCM

Correct spatial Gaussian filter bug

Correct FCM cluster size bug

Add various kinds of layout formats for displaying all the images

Correct various bugs


Add auto/same scale choice in KCN/FCM show waveform

Add blue rectangle to the selected window

Correct bug in show cluster map

Correct COM waveform display when scan number too large

Correct many display repaint and other bugs

Correct KCN/FCM show waveform bug

Correct FCM mapping bug

Fully support Solaris x86

to version 3.7


Add byte conversion for Big-Endian & Little-Endian compatibility.

Add loading 32-bit int file (with data compress to 16-bit int).

Correct ROI save function to save waveform in sigle voxel.

Correct image display problem under 8-, 16-, and 24-bit color display.

to version 3.6.


modify ROI to be able to show time course with scan number

larger than 240; also add expand mode to let the window expand

to show more time points.

to version 3.52


correct FCM cluster size display error

to version 3.51


add Fuzzy clustering (FCM) for KCN

update to version 3.5


correct bugs in reading bshort data

add 'Prev4' & 'Prev8' buttom to show more slices


extend window/level range in variance map

add p-p/mean & std/mean in show ROI

value mapping of cca & t-test now in uniform scale. CCA colorbar range =

1 to threshold; t-TEST colorbar range = 2.5 to threshold

add 'Next4' & 'Next8' buttom to show more slices in window

change to version 3.4


fix prefix size calc error

change to version 3.3


add skip scan to "Prefix" and "Sigle File" formats.


add stability check (peak-to-peak change divied by mean) in Variance map


Change to Version 3.22

add component in Create Index to be the same as Load fMRI


add List scan number with COM displacement larger than the user specified threshold in COM

add AIR data type in Load fMRI

add AIR path check to avoid error looping

fixed AIR finished halt


add Create Dir in AIR tool


add Data_Path in preference file

add MGH format in Load Anatomy

modify the format of FOV_X and FOV_Y from 'cm' to 'mm'

modify index accroding to the change in Load fMRI and Load Anatomy


add Siemens Vision Mosaic format


correct reading Analyze volume anatomy file


add MGH *.bshort format

fix file size & number check mismatch bug


show visual depth


fix memory unleased problem when reload fMRI

99/05/02 (Ver 3.20)

"Prefix" filename format can add zero to form 3-digit image number

Add subtraction mode to CINE

CINE can loop through when step forward or backward

Add select/deselect all target to AIR Toolkit

99/04/26 (Ver 3.15)

Correlation can take KCN/FCM result or user defined txt/float waveform

as reference

Add cluster size in show cluster


Can load Analyze volume format

AIR toolkit enhanced

99/04/09 (ver 3.10)

AIR 3.0 toolkit available


fix missing point while color mapping bugs

add save value map


add relative scale to ROI waveform


add show cluster waveform


add auto image contrast adjust


fix load fMRI file size check bug

add 1byte and 2bytes choice in load anatomy

add quit confirm in main frame


add map cluster size threshold

add 8-bit & size=64 to load anatomy

correct save 8-bit raw bug


make show ROI calculate signal change atomatically

add "show ROI all/active" in View


add file browser to load index and load paradigm

add fact.ini to save preference settings; the path of fact.ini should

be set using "setenv FACT_PATH your_path" in ".cshrc"


add index file utility

add "show/hide colorbar", "show/hide scale", and "show/hide image info"

add Cross-Correaltion analysis


add KCN visualization toolkits.

contributed by Tien-Chien Chen


add SD/mean map in variance map toolset, and can save map as 'float' or



add center of mass to detect head motion

user can see and save the intensity weighted

or un-weighted displacement in 3 directions (X,Y,Z)


add "swap byte" in "load fMRI" to allow big-endian or small-endian


use right mouse key as zoom-in


add scan delay to ROI & use larger ROI waveform window


adding Kohonen Clustering Network (KCN) toolset

naming this program as "FACT"


provide auto p-value mapping for CCA and t-test


correct ROI location error when size is not 256x256


add delay to CCA and t-test


separate load anatomy window;

value map, p-value map, signal change map.


add FCM mask

window position and pixel info display rearranged


take mask as ROI


enable loading multi-slice image

variance map can select slice to calculate

can load compound image format and file format


add AND,OR function in Mask

add Segmentation toolbox


enable load & preview mask from kcn & segmentation result

enable ds, cc, and t-test analyze those in the mask


add AIR3.0 Toolbox


modify Registration menu buttom to Artifact Removal


show varinace map


can rotate circlur ROI

ROI select buttom visualized


big size ZOOM view


user defined header size added

save ROI waveform added


negative activation ROI waveform bug fixed

save image as 8-bits raw added


ROI can show or hide average intensity of each stimulation levels.

ROI signal change rate added


Direct Subtraction memory allocate bug correctted.


ROI window bug correctted.

CINE playback speed increased.