Info Management
Post date: Nov 11, 2011 8:34:34 PM
Information Management (IM)
Good information is information that people want or need, and that they are willing to accept and use. Recognizing the value of information and managing it well is pivotal to our success, as executives, members, and as a Club. The aim of the CFBKYC information guideline is to identify responsibility of executives having the task to acquire, create, organize, manage, distribute, or publish Club. Several tools are available to provide information to the members and management is critical to allow clarity, efficiency, and economy of effort. Each communication tool available to the Club has its strengths and limitations that to be considered when included in our information strategy.
Why do we need to manage our information?
· Information Is An Asset
· Information is Shared
· Information Must Be Available
· Information improves our members understanding of Club processes
Information management encompasses:
· People (executives and members)
· Process (Club information guideline as management tool)
· Technology (easily available and intuitive)
· Content (various Club documents with OPIs, messages, exchanges)
Our information management principles
· Information is a valued resource and our guidelines define how it should be used
· Because we manage information, it can be easily found
· The information services are provided with the needs of users in mind.
· Information is available to anybody, anytime, and anywhere as appropriate
· Because we manage information, we are more efficient as a Club
· CFBKYC information is relevant, accurate and timely
· We store the right information or know where to get it
· Our information needs are supported by readily available technology services
The largest challenges to implementing an information management plan are: people, culture, and politics. People’s information behaviors and preferences are hard to change. People also vary in their attitudes and comfort toward technologies. Individuals may hoard information for different reasons and we must overcome this trend. Getting people to share information is hard because sharing information and knowledge takes time and effort, and requires trust and mutual respect. The information we need should be at our fingertips and be easy to share. This alone can have a dramatic effect on the quality of our communication and the success of our Club.