Ryan Thomas Videos that are Free

Most of Ryan Thomas' videos are available in a Playbook to Re-unite but some of them are free (see below). Also see other Formerly Alienated Adults speak out. See more free videos at Ryan Thomas Speaks

You must register with Ryan to get this amazing video, but it is free:

The Illusion of Choice - Why Children Believe They are in Control This answers the question: "How can my child possibly think that THEY are making their own decisions, when they are clearly being manipulated?"

Written Summaries of the above videos:

    • Can I Initiate a Lightbulb Moment? Transcribed Synopsis: Understand the view of the alienated child. They are under pressures. What is most important to them is having as much peace and tranquility in their life, and they have been convinced to believe that by not having alienated parent in their life, that is the answer to everything. What can the rejected parent do to serve their needs? Think about your child and find ways to making communicating with me or thinking about me different. One things that does not work is to completely implode their life or change their relationship with their favored change their thoughts. The alienated child is constantly trying to keep everything in check, to avoid upsetting the house of cards.

See also more videos from, Formerly Alienated Teens and other Formerly Alienated Adults telling how it happens, how they were fooled and manipulated.