Prove to Me That There is Such a Thing as Parental Alienation

    1. Start with the testimony of formerly alienated teens who said that they had they were manipulated to reject one parent.

    2. Then move on to the testimony of formerly alienated adults who (much later than 18) came to realize that they more manipulated to reject parental alienation.

    3. Then read the Foundations book from Dr C A Childress who shows it is all standard psychology all within widely accepted DSM 5

    4. Then note that the United Nations recognizes the right of children to be loved and cared for by both parents. All nations except the United States have signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 7 states that "as far as possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents" , or in another version as "right of the child who is separated from one or both parents to maintain personal relations and direct contact with both parents on a regular basis, except if it is contrary to the child’s best interests."

    5. Then note the testimony of more than 30,000 parents who testify that things were going well between them and their child until there was a relationship problem (divorce, separation, disagreement) between them and their spouse / boyfriend / girlfriend / SO / partner , and which time the spouse retaliated by manipulating the child against them

    6. Note this Judge Gorcyca who said "Any lawyer, judge, mental health professional, or case worker who has ANY involvement in the family court, is aware that one of the most devastating issues we face is that of Parental Alienation.

  1. Comments from a Texas Supreme Court Judge and Chair of the American Bar Association Family Law Association Texas Supreme Court Justice Debra Lerhmann, chair of the American Bar Association's family law section, said .... "Anyone who's in this business knows there are situations where that [parental alienation] in fact is happening ... " she said.

  2. In a survey at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts in 2010, 98% of 300 respondents agreed with the question“Do you think that some children are manipulated by one parent to irrationally and unjustifiably reject the other parent.”

  3. According to a study of 610 adults in North Carolina, 13.4% of adults say they have an alienated child.

  4. Parental alienation is found in DSM-5 (though not the exact words, but the authors of DSM-5 assure us it is in there).

  5. It is in the APSAC 2017 guidelines on detecting psychological abuse (not the exact words, but Amy Baker was one of the authors).

  6. The American Academy of Pediatrics tells doctors how to treat it.

  7. It is in the beta draft of ICD-11

  8. ABC 2020 Exposed Parental Alienation, as did the BBC, 60 minutes, CNN, and Canadian TV

  9. The Abuse of the Child's Voice in High Conflict Separations "Children don't want to choose"

  10. See answers also in frequently asked questions about parental alienation