Examples of How to Alienate Children
How to Alienate a Child in Three Five Easy Examples: Alienators in Action: Alienators Caught on Tape
Don't try this at home. You could possibly face jail time under state laws against child psychological abuse (e.g. against mental injury of a child):
Parental alienation Caught on Video Camera:
Parental Alienation Caught on Camera: an erasing parent "supervises" a conversation between child and soon to be erased parent. Click here to see this picture. Question: is that child getting the message that a relationship with the other parent is not encouraged? Question: is that child going to feel comfortable relating to the soon to be erased parent? Does the erasing parent somehow feel that the other parent is somehow unsafe, unloving, or unavailable, and is the erasing parent communicating that to the child? Will the child feel tremendous pressure just to block the other parent out of his/her life?
Parental Alienation Caught on Audio Tape: listen to the mp3 or wma recording, where an alienator records a session with his child where he manipulates a child into saying she does not like her mother, then submits the tape into testimony, evidently not realizing that it is a textbook example of how to alienate a child.
Here is another example of an alienator in action, on an accidental voice mail.
You can also read some more theoretical information about the beginnings of parental alienation
Can a child really be manipulated like that? Yes, and it is all explained here.
Other worthwhile topics on this web site:
13.4% of surveyed parents say they are alienated from one of their children
The authors of DSM-5 say that parental alienation is in DSM-5
Sign the petition asking the APA to update it's policy on parental alienation
The American Academy of Pediatrics takes a stand against parental alienation
Attorney and Lawyer training material for parental alienation
ABC 2020 Exposes Parental Alienation, as does the BBC, 60 minutes, CNN, and Canadian TV
The attachment model of parental alienation that uses only standard and accepted/established psychology, also known as pathogenic parenting, or the trans generational transmission of attachment trauma
American Psychiatric Association Comments on Disordered Parenting
The Harms of Parental Alienation : ACES : Adverse Childhood Experiences Study
Six Peer Reviewed studies show that parental alienation is child abuse