Formerly Alienated Adults Speak Out About Parental Alienation

See also formerly alienated teens speak out and the documentary Erasing Family

See also Ryan Thomas' other free videos besides this one, and see Ryan Thomas TV:

See also "Amanda Sillars was kidnapped by her father when she was 11 years old", published in the news in 2016 as the result of her speaking out. See also Amanda's articles on her experience as a child and her experience as an adult. Here is another excellent version of the story.

For Victoria's incredible story, see page 21, 22, and 25 in the Simply Parent issue for Summer 2017.

"It is the biggest mind f%^* that no teenage brain is equipped to deal with." -Formerly alienated college student, identity kept anonymous

The experience project has over 500 personal stories about parental alienation.

Reddit had many stories on "raised by a narcissist" , which is all about alienation.

Amy Baker summarizes the stories of 40 formerly alienated adults in her book Adult Children of Parental Alienation : Breaking the Ties the Bind

Mother Erased Speaks out in her blog "When I was almost four years old, my father threw my mother out of our home, quite literally. It was late at night. It was loud and volatile, my father full of rage. She had betrayed him.

We lived upstairs from my paternal grandparents, and my father quickly gathered his allies in casting my mother out. His family, friends, neighbors, and teachers all saw him as the “favored parent,” the “good parent.” After all, it was my mother who had abandoned me.

In the months that followed, when he had to tear me off of my mother after our scheduled visits, he repeatedly told her that I was better off without her. He told her she was hurting me by making me have these painful goodbyes. Broken and intimidated, she began to believe him. She showed up to see me on my fifth birthday and my father had remarried. His pacing and clenched jaw told us all that my mother was not welcome there. I wasn’t supposed to love her anymore. I wasn’t allowed to."

More adults speak out in written form

Joe Rabiega tells his story to Newsweek: “It was like my mother did not exist. My father brainwashed me to believe that the only parent figure or family member that mattered was him,” Rabiega tells Newsweek, adding that his father would often tell him that if he didn’t do what he was told, no one would want him. His father also routinely threatened to kill himself, he says. “I was trapped in this delusional world he created.”

From ABC 20/20: Grazzini-Rucki's strongest proof that [the ex] was abusive was always the testimony of her children, but [Grazzini-Rucki's] oldest son Nico, who once also claimed his [other parent] was abusive, now says that after his parents split his [parent] began subtly poisoning him against his [other parent]. "[My parent] started to say like, 'Your [other parent is] this bad [person], your [other parent], like, hurt you when you were younger,'" Nico Rucki said. "I was like, 'What? What are you talking about? I don't remember any of this.' 'Well, it happened to you.' At the time I believed it because you listen to your [parent]."

Dana tells her story in the newspaper "When I was almost four years old, my father threw my mother out of our home, quite literally. It was late at night. It was loud and volatile, my father full of rage. She had betrayed him. We lived upstairs from my paternal grandparents, and my father quickly gathered his allies in casting my mother out. His family, friends, neighbors, and teachers all saw him as the "favored parent," the "good parent." After all, it was my mother who had abandoned me. In the months that followed, when he had to tear me off of my mother after our scheduled visits, he repeatedly told her that I was better off without her. He told her she was hurting me by making me have these painful goodbyes. Broken and intimidated, she began to believe him. She showed up to see me on my fifth birthday and my father had remarried. His pacing and clenched jaw told us all that my mother was not welcome there. I wasn't supposed to love her anymore. I wasn't allowed to."

Another adult in tells her story in the comment section "When I was in the 6th grade, I remember going to Steve's Meat Market with my mother and I saw this man who helped us, and he looked at me with a special kindness. When we were in the parking lot I asked her if we knew him. She said, "It's your father, stupid". After awhile my dad tried to come and get me to take me out for an ice cream cone, but she forced me in the house telling me he was drunk."

A formerly alienation adult tells his story to the UK government.

[Mario Congreve's] documentary “Victims of Another War: The Aftermath of Parental Alienation” was considered for an Academy Award in the short feature documentary category. It is a 35 minute documentary that traces the stories of 3 children, now adults. Here is another article about one of the three adults, Cecilia, as she writes her story in a book form. See also this official web site on it.

Preview of The Sequel to Victims of Another War , the "Sarah Cecile Story" is the first installment of the sequel. Nick Child files us in on more details.

From MST66, a formerly alienated child and now alienated mother : "I assure you that PAS exists and it destroys families. It was inflicted on me by parents against each other and then when I divorced my emotionally abusive ex-husband he did it to me, it is hell on earth and if you claim it's not real, you're either incredibly naive and/or ignorant or you are an alienator. PAS has destroyed my family as I knew it, and I will never give up the fight to get my daughter safely home."

My mom alienated us and smeared his character

Book Review of "Don't Hug Your Mother" - Brainwashed into believing our mother abandoned us for 18 year. "LAST month I got speaking to two very brave brothers who decided to share their desperately sad story of how their father brainwashed them against their own mother. JP and Brendan Byrne, both from Dublin, are the only authors in Ireland (that I am aware of) who have tackled parental alienation in this way. Their story tells how as young boys they were cruelly manipulated by their father into believing their mother didn’t love them and that for 18 years she had abandoned them.By the time they realized that wasn’t the case they were grown men, and their mother had missed out on the most precious years of their lives." You can also listen to their podcasts.