

Bled ACSI Camping Bled

Large site on shore of lake Bled. Set in a forest and can be wet at times. Good facilities.

Good halt en-route to Croatia (2015)

Note on travelling from the North take the Bled/Lesce exit, SatNav directions may send you over an "exciting" mountain road from an earlier exit.



Lesc Camping Sobec

Large resort type site , large pitches in scenic surroundings on the banks of river Sava, extensive well maintained facilities. Very good for Bled area or NH as its close to motorway and Karawanken tunnel, better than Camping Bled but much more expensive. (2018)


Postojna Camping Pivka Jama

Decent site set in a forest north of Postojna, Good facilities and helpful staff. Pitches all hard standing and metal roads. Final 2km to site is narrow and winding. A visit to the caves is a must! (2014)



Ljubljana ASCI ☼ Ljubjana Resort Hotel and Camping

Ok site, convenient for visiting the city with a bus stop outside and tickets sold at reception.