Laundry on the Move
When away for several months at a time the washing basket has to be tackled one way or another. Campsite machines can be quite expensive at about €5 a time and also often difficult to get to use on the first nice day after a spell of rain. In addition to the difficulties with machine washes, getting "hand washing" dry is another problem without first getting rid of the bulk of the water in a spin dryer.
We now have a portable twin tub machine that cost around £65 and after 3 years use it has more more than covered its cost and it is always available.
It weighs around 7Kg and travels in the shower . We have not actually weighed the washing but it claims do a 2 KG wash. There is no water heater to trip the power supply, it is just filled from the caravan and around 15 litres (2 fills) will do about a weeks wash for two of us.
In our first season using it, the main problem was rinsing water and its disposal, however we have now discovered a product known as Ecozone Ecoballs that does not use a conventional detergent and does away with the need to rinse.