Silky Cleaning

Caravan Cleaning with Silky Leisure Products

At the invitation of Mr Joseph Howard, Chemical Sales Engineer at Silky products, I used some of their products on cleaning up the caravan after the winter lay-up.

The products used were Silky Envirowash Shampoo to wash down the caravan, Silky Caravan and Boat Cream Cleaner for stubborn marks and finally a coat of Silky Superseal to polish and seal the surface.

Envirowash Shampoo

Possibly as a result of the torrential rain we have had this winter the caravan was not as dirty or stained as is usual after the winter lay-up but the Silky Envirowash easily removed almost all dirty accumulations that there were in one application and I was particularly impressed with the way it removed much of the algae growth that accumulates around the roof light hatches. This area is very difficult to reach without risking the caravan roof but even a cursory application of the shampoo using a sponge mop from the safety of a ladder easily removed most of it.



Silky Cream Cleaner

As the van had not suffered from the usual staining produced by snow, this winter there was less areas in need of the Silky Cream Cleaner but I did apply it to the hatch covers which not only accumulate algae growth but the plastic materials used in the "door" frames are particularly hard to clean using traditional shampoos. A swift application to the frame brightened it up and the algae was easily removed using an old toothbrush

Hatch Door Before

Hatch After

Silky Superseal

Application of the Superseal was very easy and after drying, a quick "buff" with a duster produced a deep mirror-like shine.


These products do seem to be very effective at taking much of the hard work out of cleaning these large and often difficult to reach painted areas, the Superseal was very easy to apply and produce a deep shine and I should know better after the road trip to the far end of Europe how well it stands up to the environment .