Divide selected dimension by pick up points.


Hate the mess of dimension extension line created by DIMCONTINUE command?
Want to line-up the end of all dimension extension lines and make your drawing tidy?
Want to divide an existing dimension by pick up new points?

Just get DIVDIM to do it for you.

Select an existing dimension, then pick up more points to be dimensioned, it will create new dimensions with all extension line ends line-up with the end point of Ext Line 1 of selected dimension.

Command: DIVDIM
Select dimension to divide:

If nothing selected or selected object is not a dimension (linear or aligned), it prompts:

No dimension selected.
Select dimension again:

If a linear or aligned dimension selected, you will be prompted to pick up dividing points:

Select division points:


  1. New dimensions are not annotative, use match property brush to change them.

  2. It can be used to restore the dimension text to its default position by select the text then press ESC


  1. If selected dimension is an annotative dimension, the new dimension created by DIVDIM do not match the annotative scale of selected dimension. You can use command "MATCHPROP" or the Properties Palette to change it.

  2. If you picked up the same point more than once or selected the existing dimension extension line end as new point, it will create zero-length dimension. You have to delete them mannually.

  3. Error occurs when selected dimension is on a locked layer.

  4. 0 length dimension may be created if two points very close to each other are selected.

  5. May not be compatible with AutoCAD 2010 / Window 7. (Thanks Tony T, 21-Dec-2009)

  6. New dimensions match properties of the original dimension including property overrides such as background color.


Division point is limited to 2 points in the trail version.

Please email liugesen@126.com to get a free Registration Code to remove the restriction.


23 Aug 2020, Fix a bug causes "Unknown name: EXTLINEFIXEDLEN" error.
07 Aug 2012, Fix a bug when selected dimension has a user defined arrowhead.
23 Nov 2011, new dimensions match properties of the original dimension including property overrides.
22 Oct 2010
25 Jun 2010