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Wealth protection has become a very big deal in the whole world as of late, there has been a melt down on many different fronts. Now there is the BATTLE BETWEEN INFLATION AND DEFLATION of course if you are not the so called asset class deflation will help you over time. As our currencies strengths (The United States) our spending power gathers strength. Two fold one the currency you carrie can buy more, two ; things come down in real pricing like a home or an investment or a raw commodity. But let’s say you are the asset class which many are the asset class by default. YOUR HOUSE as deflation happens that house in hard numbers falls. But of course your paycheck if you have one will buy more of everything. Let’s put this in to reality. The government P.P.I. and the C.P.I. numbers would show very little inflation over the past decade. When in reality we know that is total bullshit. Houses 100% to 300% all commodities wheat corn silver gold OIL all commodity pricing went crazy. So why? It’s very simple why. The erosion of our currency. Our currency was very strong in the 90s as our economy was very prosperous. A government surplus yes just one decade ago we had a huge surplus. Low commodity pricing oil 10 $ a barrel gold $ 225 an ounce. It all ties together. Prosperous times = high tax revenues = low debts (or surpluses) = strong purchasing power = happy times. The bottom line is this no matter where you come down on the Wars issue wars cost money a lot of money, and debts have to compensate for that money. Via the tax revune. We lowered tax rates at the same time we increased spending big-time on the two wars. This caused Debts to increase dramatically which intern caused our currency to become weaker and weaker. Then let’s throw on the false low interest rate we have had for over a decade now. What does a false interest rate (a rate not allowed to be set by the market) IT CAUSES INFLATION. It is ironic that the rate was subsidized by the great Arn Rander himself Greenspan was a huge Arn Rander the mother of all free market place, hum I wonder why? Growing up in Lenin Russia; boy that’s a hard one to figure. So the great free market man himself Greenspan was USING KEYNESIAN Economics to the 10 TH power. Thus inflation. Now of course Inflation is countered naturally buy classical medicine, foreigners will buy our goods because their purchasing power becomes stronger and stronger. (Have you traveled in the United States the past few years, Europeans everywhere?) But here lies the flaw NAFTA, remember that allowed our manufacturing base to be COMPLETELY GUTTED. WE DO NOT MAKE ANYTING FOR THE FOREIGNERS TO BUY. Classical medicine cannot work. Yes we did export wheat and gold and silver, but remember Americans do not own our Mines they are foreign owned nearly all of them.
