
Philanthropy is the effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind.

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as a third generation wealth world that we live in has taken a very old ugly road over the past 30 years, as the second generation wealth makers used their fathers and mothers hard work and independent impressionism of being born in the right year 1840 to 1880, knew what the power of wealth and how to incorporate it in to the society which the wealth came from.

The Third baby boomer generation especially in the United States TOTTALY lost this said concept. They evolved into a society of circled wealth and incorporated the wealth to their circles children and friends and inbreed the very concept. I come from a city that had 5 of the biggest empires of wealth ever acquired Ogden Utah, the fathers of the third generation wealth beneficiaries, crushed our city and stole our wealth as a society in total disregard for their Parents trust.

All five trust left very specific instructions in regard to their trust and where their trust should go, gigantic sums of money, NONE OF IT WENT to the said instructions of the makers of wealth, It all left and went to their self’s and friends, and tried to create an Art movement in California that has for the most part failed.

The East New York City eastern wealth did create one of the greatest art moments in in world history, Philanthropy should benefit the very society it was grow from the very people who made them rich. I personally have never asked for one penny of money from anyone, or for that matter any government, NO student loans for me. As I write and incorporate my writing (Post Ignorance etc.) I do not want to be influenced by any one. Or any thing

In our city one of the great men in American History Mariner Eccles left a very specific detailed instructions to leave his wealth (which was gigantic) to the help and prevention of alcohol and drug abuse and the prevention of suicides. Our town and County which he is from and lived and his very own son, who as Mariner Eccles himself wrote, was his greatest regret, Died of the said reasons. Our County Weber, and state of Utah, right here right now has the largest Suicide ration on Earth. Young males 15 to 30,( update two females and one male today alone 28, 24. 32 suicide today alone 2/10/11 in Ogden alone, and Ogden has a population of 50,000 only) and now even young females 15-30, are community suicide daily. The Browning fortune the Wattis fortune the Eccles fortune, among others has turned a blind arrogant eye to all of this.

Let this be notice I have worked on a VERY DETAILED novel with decades of research for the past three years. I am very close to the finish line, and when I publish this book. I will expose the truth of this said wealth and power in the factual way I have taken no money from no one nor asked for any. I lay out the details in the last chapter of my P.H.D. style book (post ignorance that has been published last mouth.)

My point is this as wealth is left make sure your wealth goes where it is intended, not where the managers of your trust or your airs want it to go. They have totally different prospective than the makers of wealth, they are the spoils of wealth. NIGHT AND DAY!

I WILL be writing on this said subject matter in detail on this site of mine blanchschwarz, STAY tuned.

Kevin Dwayne Blanch 2/10/11