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Hedge funds received a bad name over the past decade, unfairly to the real hedge funds , what the average so called hedge fund over the past decade was like the rest of America the decade of the scammer, the so called hedge funds of the negative culture where no more hedge funds than George Bush is a intellectual.

True hedge funds have been around for century’s they do literally what the word says hedge, risk in correlation with gains profits and investment risk of all kinds. They are insurance policies on wealth. The so called hedge fund managers got thrown around in all kinds of scammer’s circles, because the scammer new the term represented sophistication and intelligence in regard to wealth, WHICH IT DOSE.

So like the rest of the world we empowered scammers from the 2000 U.S. election to Wall Street right down to the fake specialties contractor. No skill no knowledge just lip service. Like learning how to use a hawk and trowel learning to hedge wealth via derivative markets and global markets TAKES DECADES of HARD WORK. The fake hedge fund manager is like the fake skilled craftsman with a crew of illegal labor he exploits, the fake hedge fund manger exploited the investor.

Real hedge experts are WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD LITTARLLY. I schooled myself for 10 years in the top school of business in the country, and spent 30 years trading and working in the hedge fund industry. It takes years of experience and education. To developed hedging skills and knowing how to employ them. The true hedge wealth fund mangers. Is the reason real wealth remains real wealth for decades and generations.

Kevin d. blanch 10/13/10

A hint to all of you who think you can watch and tell which way the market is going by the putt or call volume or a large order coming through. Unless you know it is a bet to one direction or the other you are probably wrong if you assume that it is. I have work in the hedge fund REAL HEDGE FUND INDUSTRY for a very long time. When we have a large client taking a position one way or the other we paste putts under neither or calls on top of a short. In the mathematical proportioned weight as to what the fund calls for.

Like Bernie the crock Madoff claimed he was doing good REAL HEDGE FUNDS REALLY DO IT. So when you see a big putt purchase come buy your technical analysis screen and think it’s a sell signal think again it more often than not is a bullish sign. And who is to say that investor is right any way. More often than not they are wrong but they are not so arrogant to not buy insurance.

kevin blanch 10/13/10