Futures are traded all over the world in almost every country, in North America we automatically think of Chicago which we should that is still where all the American future contracts are traded. It is a complex world and plays a very important part in any economies structure it keeps farming and much of industry alive without it America would never survive or for that matter any market economy of any sort. I hear all the time derivatives are evil because of the credit default swaps nightmare in the mortgage markets. Do not confuse a credit default swap or for that matter even a option on a equity to the commodity futures they are far different products and play far different roles in a economy.

They have been around for centuries. Options on equities only in the United States for three decades, and credit default swaps a few years they are trading tools. And they feel a role in regard to wealth protection. BUT LETS BE CLEAR FUTURES ARE A HISTORICAL true derivative in the literal sense.

I will talk a lot about futures contracts but also options on futures, as an investor they are a great tool to protect wealth and incredible growth opportunities. This site will allow investors of all size accesses to NOT just some opinion but to how to trade an opinion or strategies in the context of a fund and or a portfolio of size.

kevin d. blanch 10/13/10

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