Unit 2 Conversation Sessions

Session 1 - 10 things you need to survive in the wild

More than any other skill, your attitude determines how successful you are in a survival situation. This first of the basic survival skills might even determine whether you live or die! To start, consider "The Rule of Threes." A human can survive for:

- 3 minutes without air / - 3 hours without a regulated body temperature (shelter) / - 3 days without water / - 3 weeks without food

The "Rule of Threes" provides a guideline of how to prioritize basic survival skills: first shelter, then water, and lastly food.

Surviving a difficult wilderness situation also requires meeting many challenges while avoiding panic. When faced with a potential survival situation, remember to use a "SPEAR": StopPlanExecuteAssess &Re-evaluate

By systematically assessing, planning, and executing your basic survival skills, you will help keep your mind and body actively engaged in addressing your situation. This will greatly aid in avoiding panic and other negative states of mind. By upholding an upright attitude, your chances of survival are greatly improved!

Video 1 - The 10 eseential items to survive (according to a British citizen) 5'38'' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYo4HdTNZ80

Video 2 - The 10 things you need to surive in the wild (according to a group of people from Portland, USA) 2'14'' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n80jMnlefFM

Text 1 - An article from the newspaper "USA Today" https://traveltips.usatoday.com/things-needed-survive-wilderness-21818.html

Blog 1 - Survival skills https://www.wildsurvivalskills.com/blogvideos#

Session 1 - Survival skills.pdf
Session 2 - Feelings and emotions.pdf