
I am involved with professional volunteer activities like those mentioned on this page: outreaching as co-chair or external guide of PhD committees at major research universities, contributing to running of top-tier conferences, conducting tutorials and workshops, creating new technical communities [AI in India], and guiding students. Additionally, I have a [opinion page/blog] where I post information that students may find useful.


Journal and Magazine Editorship

Organizing Conference Tracks

Conducting Tutorials

Promoting Research Culture

Part of the initiative by Benedict College (BC) and the University of South Carolina (USC) along with Google Research to offer a collaborative program promoting research experience in computing for undergraduate students in 2022-2023 called BC-UofSC exploreCSR. I will focus on open innovations around water and traffic building on my work on smart cities and the IJCAI 2015 tutorial I gave about it.

Advisory Role on PhD Committees as External Member

Organizing Workshops/ Symposiums

Senior Program Committee, Program Committee

Area Chair: 

Senior Program Committee:

Program Committee: