Phase 1

Collaborative Assistants (CA) is a general term for conversation systems, chatbots, dialog systems, and digital assistants. CAs are widely used across science and engineering applications today with significant societal impacts. Several of them employ Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to address crucial real-world concerns, and the availability of big data has caused an explosion in data-driven AI solutions. More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has been an opportunity to validate the relevance of collaborative assistance technologies for real-world needs.

Unfortunately, the data deluge led to a flurry of inaccurate, inaccessible, and unactionable information, causing pernicious effects on remedial policy. Nevertheless, AI technologies such as CAs made several aspects of COVID-19 accessible and showed promise in tackling practical issues through the ethical use of information. However, with great power comes great responsibility. The challenge is developing CAs driven by AI that offer innovative solutions to real-world problems and promote ethical use in society.

Join us for Phase 1 of CASY 2.0 which is scheduled on 15th October, 2021. The event will feature invited demos, a panel discussion and launch of a competition. Register for CASY 2.0 [Eventbrite Link] and also for CA Building Contest [Details and Submission Link].

See the video of the event outlining the Contest and live demonstrations of conversational agents.