Fall 2024 / CSCE 771: Computer Processing of Natural Language

Quick Info - When and Where


Instructor Information

Previous Instances


Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend in class. When sick, with prior instructor permission, you can attend via Blackboard. 

Suggested Reading 


Slides and code are available on GitHub [here]. Full details about the course are available in the syllabus [here]. Class schedule is at the bottom of the page.

Bulletin Description

 This will be an advanced course on computer-based processing of communication between people (languages) with a focus on text (NLP), and appreciation of multi-modal communication involving speech and images. The course will have lessons on parsing of input, representation of syntax and semantics, and analysis to derive insights. It will explain learning and reasoning based methods for extracting entities, disambiguating and linking them, and applying them for real-world problems. We will also discuss issues in building advanced systems for conversation (“chatbots”) and machine translation, and ethical concerns while testing and fielding them with people. 


Experience with a first course on Artificial Intelligence is desirable, example: CSCE 580. Students without this course may still enroll knowing that necessary AI background can be found in the standard AI book, “AI – A Modern Approach”; http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/. Necessary material is in chapters 3,4,5 and 6.

 Learning outcomes

Grading Schema

CSCE 771 Fall 2022 Class Schedule