AI and Health/ COVID19

AI and Health

COVID19 Resources

COVID19 Mask Analysis Program (CMAP)

COVID19 is a global pandemic whose impact in regions around the world has varied widely, as measured by the number of cases and deaths, depending on the local demographics as well as public health policies implemented in response, e.g., mask coverings. In this work, we present a tool called COVID Mask Analyzer Program (CMAP) that can be used to understand the impact of mask policies at local and national scale. Internally, the tool uses the well established techniques of robust synthetic control and New York Times' data about mask adherence and cases to answer counter-factual questions.

CMAP was developed in partnership between Tantiv4  and me at the AI Institute. It uses advanced data cleaning and normalization methods, and covers counties around the United States. As an example of output, CMAP shows that for Richland county, SC, intervention by June 1, 2020 would have been most consequential in saving lives compared to July 1 or Aug 1. This work opens up new avenues of research in human-machine collaboration to foster data-driven public health policies.

See the video to see the tool in action and read the demonstration paper for details.



COVID19 Mask Adherance Estimation Tool (CAET)

COVID-19 is a global health crisis during which mask-wearing has emerged as an effective tool to combat the spread of disease. During this time, non-technical users like health officials and school administrators need tools to know how widely people are wearing masks in public. We present a robust and efficient Mask Adherence Estimation Tool (MAET) based on the pre-trained YOLOv5s object detection model, CSPNet feature extractor, PANet as neck and combine it with LIME explanation method to help the user understand the mask adherence at an individual and aggregate level.

See the video to see the tool in action and read the demonstration paper for details.
