CSCE 580: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Quick Info - When and Where

Catalog Information

Instructor Information

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend lectures and also go through class videos after the lecture. They are expected to participate in quizzes, do their project and complete paper reading. 

Suggested Reading 

Research Interests

See ongoing research activities in this area at my "Trusted AI" page.

Want to Learn about Artificial Intelligence for the Real World? 

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has generated wild excitement due its potential to transform businesses and societies around the world with technologies like ChatGPT, Dall-E, self-driving cars, Google Maps, Machine Translators, and Shazam, and yet, it has evoked tremendous fear and doomsday warnings about possible negative impacts like increasing unemployment, exacerbating injustices, data breaches and circumventing humans oversight. How does one learn AI to use them in the real world while also steering around practical issues? This course will introduce AI and also guide towards its safe usage for real-world applications. 


Experience with a first course in data structures (CSCE 350), programming (CSCE 330) 

 Learning outcomes

Topics Covered

CSCE 580/581 - Fall 2023 Schedule