This movie, in a sense, is kinda like "The Purge", in the scale of it's madness...

Due to the recognition of how much unknown "evil" there is in such a large number of people, and the fact that these people will never actually acknowledge it given their relatively anticlimactic lifestyles,

A group of "powerful people" come up with a crazy idea for a global "experiment", which they are somehow able to convince all of the major governments of the world to take part in... In this experiment

, they will inform the populations of the world that in one week, an enormous asteroid will collide with the Earth and essentially sterilize it forever... There is nothing that can be done about it, it just is what

it is... All utilities and basic public services are shut down, and all forms of communication and transportation are disconnected and/or jammed. This is done for the purpose of seeing what hidden behaviors will emerge

from people given that they are convinced that impending doom is upon them... but even more importantly, to thin out the numbers of a hugely overpopulated world...

Someone might hate their boss so much that deep down they would love to see that person die, but they would ordinarily never act on that impulse... Maybe believing that the world is about to end would give

them a little more motivation to consider it...

Many people believe that if the world is about to be destroyed anyway, then all of the people who are in prison should be set free... but governments refuse to let them go (obviously because they don't

want to have to recapture them when the experiment is complete, and plus, they already know what those people are capable of, since they are already in prison for that)... It turns out that being in prison

is the safest place to be due to the fact that the prisons are not included in the experiment at all, and the prisoners are not even aware that it's taking place, although many of them are suspicious that

something is going on because all communication and visitation has been cut off...

More to come....