
Explore theories on bullying prevention and discuss which strategies are effective along with which can be harmful.

Will provide participants with a better understanding of the importance of runaway and homeless youth prevention and ways to collaborate with National Runaway Safeline (NRS) in prevention efforts.

Discuss how the passage of the Youth Opportunity and Fairness Act in Aug. 2017 has simplified Illinois’ juvenile expungement process and strengthened confidentiality protections.

This webinar defines child abuse and child sexual abuse, discusses how to effectively listen and respond to disclosures of sexual abuse, helps participants understand trauma and its impact on survivors and outlines the mandated reporting process and ChicagoCAC's role in responding to more than 2,000 reports of child sexual abuse and exploitation annually.

Discusses the factors that often precipitate LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness, suggested best practices for addressing their unique needs and how we can create safe and affirming spaces for all of our youth. 

Explains some of the signs of eating disorders and methods for intervention, differentiating between other forms of eating disruption and varying levels of severity.

Provides an introduction to sex and labor trafficking and will discuss recruitment tactics and ways to identify victims.

Offers strategies and resources to support those who work with youth who are dually involved.