Giving Gifts

Post date: Jan 5, 2016 10:03:13 PM

WOW the Holidays can add up! Between gifts, travel, and special holiday experiences all of our wallets are feeling a little empty these days.

Here are some great ways to keep gift giving (for birthdays, holidays, and special occasions ;)) in your match at an affordable level:

Giving Gifts on a Budget

·         Give Memories: After all those outings, you’re bound to have some pictures stored up. Print a few out at the drug store to place in a cheap frame or turn this into a craft to do together by painting or decorating wooden frames

·         Games or a special deck of cards: These can be relatively inexpensive and can be found in great condition at secondhand stores if you are up for a search! These items can also be left in your car to pull out for a trip to the library or coffee shop.

·         Books: Also found in great condition at secondhand stores  

·         Question A Day Book: This site has great printable sheets to make your own book or draw inspiration from. This will be sure to get some conversation flowing!

Gift Alternatives

·         Give a hobby: This seems tricky, but draw from your outings and Little’s interests. This is a kit that could be full of small things to discover together. Did your Little really enjoy the field museum? How about a bucket full of small dinosaurs, a shovel, packet of craft sand, and a book about the T-Rex. Did they like the Nature Center? How about a pot with some seed packets to plant together and watch grow!

·         Book of Coupons: These could be redeemed for a larger than normal outing, a trip to McDonalds instead of the farmers market, or for meeting your dog…again ;).

·         Volunteering together: Being able to help others is itself a gift, help your Little share the wealth!

·         A book/movie exchange: Each chooses a favorite book or movie to lend to each other until the next outing. Especially fun if it new to both of you!