the Akesh Experience

What is The Akesh Experience?

BBBSChi is the beneficiary of gifts given in special memory of Akesh Yelavarthy who passed away in April 2020 at the age of 30. 

Akesh had a vibrant personality. He was the guy who got the gang together, who encouraged his friends to get out into the world and soak up everything it had to offer. Thanks to him, his friends traveled together, saw live music, tried new things, and went to sporting events. Akesh made sure they spent time together doing things they loved.

The Akesh Experience was created in partnership with BBBS of Metro Chicago to help keep Akesh’s spirit alive.  It is a way to enhance each unique match relationship, while providing exclusive experiences that embody Akesh for Littles and their Bigs.   THINK BIG!!!!!   Your match support specialist is happy to help your brainstorm.  

We know being a Big is hard work, and not easy on a budget!  Bigs can receive up to $750 from The Akesh Experience for a special match outing or a set of classes/activities.  These experiences are designed to be transormational for your little and your match!

Eligibility Requirements

To submit an application, your match must be in good standing. This means, outings with your Little are consistent, and you have regular communication with your Match Support Specialist.

Application & Approval Process

Once Approved and if opting for reimbursement of expenses, please follow instructions below: 

1. photos of purchase receipts

2. photos/video of your match enjoying the activity, and

3. A thank you note to Akesh's family (sent to Dawn via email or 560 W Lake Street, Chicago, IL 60661)



Circus Lessons

Rock Climbing 

Skateboarding Classes

Snowboarding Classes



Brookfield Zoo Backstage Adventures

Shedd Aquarium Experiences

Horseback Riding Lessons


Broadway Tickets

Assorted Dabble Classes

Monthly Art Subscription Boxes

Photography Classes

Cooking Classes

Slam Poetry Events

Young Chicago Authors 



Drum lessons

Concert Tickets

Private DJ Lessons


Robotics City Workshop

BitSpace Workshops

Experience Virtual Reality

3D Printing Workshop

Sporting Event Tickets

Cubs Game

Wrigley Field Tours

Bulls Game 

Club access

Bears Games 

Blackhawks Games

Fine Dining

Chef's Tables

Fancy Dinners

New Cuisine