Match Enrichment Fund

Have an activity in mind, but it's a bit costly? Looking for a way to enhance your match relationship?

Check out our Match Enrichment Fund!

Can anyone use it?

To receive funding, matches must be in good standing!

That means 

a) your match is not on hold,

b) outings with your Little are consistent, 

c) you (and your little & their parent or guardian) have good communication with your match support specialist - then you're in good standing!

What is it?

The Match Enrichment Fund is available for matches to enhance their match relationship and to provide assistance and additional support to the Littles we serve.

Matches can receive up to $200!

It must be a match activity - you & your Little must do it together! Exception: if the Little is taking an academic prep course ( like ACT/SAT tutoring), they can do it alone.

Cool! Can I use this to buy Bears tickets?!

Sorry friend, no can do!

The Match Enrichment Fund supports ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES related to the Little's academic achievement, the development of healthy behaviors in and out of school, and improved attitudes and competencies.

Ok, so how do I get it?

You must fill out the application completely.

Applications are reviewed by the Dawn Steffen, who will notify you of your application status within 1 week.  

All requests for funding MUST be approved PRIOR to the activity! PLEASE do not assume that your application will be approved, because we've had instances where Bigs have purchased items prior to approval, and their application was denied. Please be patient!

So what gets approved?

Tons of things! Here are some examples: cooking classes, theater classes and theater 'experiences' (including dinner and parking), fitness classes (zumba, yoga), Broadway plays, private football and basketball lessons, sewing and knitting classes, dance classes, behind-the-scenes access to museums (ie. Beluga Whale experiences, Trainer-For-A-Day, etc), college campus visits, ACT/SAT prep courses, language courses, college application assistance, private art lessons, registration fees for races in Chicago, semi-private music lessons- get creative, folks!

Have an idea, but not sure if it is an appropriate activity? Consult your match support specialist!

And how does reimbursement work?

Once you have completed your activity, send photos of purchase receipts and your match enjoying the activity to Dawn.

You will receive a check in the mail for activity reimbursement- it could take up to three weeks for you to receive a check in the mail.

Ready to go? Apply Here!