Past APPD Presenters

Body positive dance for everyone! Rajni

Rajni will present an introduction to basic Egyptian style dance steps and the Tribal Odyssey style of "follow the leader" group improvisation. Group improvisation allows people to dance in the moment and connect to the music and to other dancers. It is a powerful way to honor your body, raise positive energy, and enjoy dancing with others.

Handbook for Hot Witches. Dame Darcy

An introduction to Darcy's book along with different arts and activities taken from the book.

Introduction to Middle Eastern Drum Rhythms. Rajni

Presentation will cover 3-4 basic rhythms with time to practice. Drumming in circles creates a bond between drummers (and drummers and dancers), raises energy, and is just FUN! Learn basic rhythms and technique before your next drum circle or gathering. All levels welcome. Instruction will focus of the dumbek, but djembes and other drums are welcome. There will be a few drums to loan. Finger cymbals (zils) are also welcome (there *may* be a few of these to loan as well!). Be prepared to sit on the ground, or have a stool to sit on.

Magickal Spellcrafting. Melanie Marquis

Join Melanie Marquis, author of The Witch's Bag of Tricks and founder of United Witches global coven, for a fun and informative workshop to improve your witching abilities. Appropriate for beginner, intermediate, and advanced practitioners, this workshop explores the subtleties of spellcrafting and casting in a way that will take your magick to new heights of power and creativity.

Wand-Making for Fun & Prophet. Oghama Jorsa

A hands on workshop demonstrating simple techniques for making your own willow wood wands. Materials provided, but registration by Sept. 1st required to ensure that appropriate amounts are available. There are some sharp edges involved, so younger folks will have to have parental approval and/or participation. To register, email with the number of participants.

Eclecticism: Pagan Practice as Art and Science, Embreis

This presentation proposes a philosophical framework for Eclecticism, the practice of creating a personal system of religious ritual and symbolism outside the framework of any established tradition. I will suggest some ways to bring intellectual rigor to an Eclectic approach to Paganism, and may also discuss such issues as cultural appropriation, and the proper use of historical “fact” in Pagan practice.

Embreis is a controversialist and curmdgeon who has pursued knowledge of the Old Gods and of Magic for some 24 years.

Grove of the Unicorn Introduction, Lady Hawthorn

The Unicorn Tradition is an eclectic one, with roots in the family tradition in which its founders were initiated. We will be discussing a brief history of the Unicorn Tradition of Wicca, as well as a comparison to other branches of Wicca. I also hope to offer a personal glimpse into life as a coven witch from my own experiences, and provide an opportunity to answer questions about my tradition and Wicca in-general.

Grove of the Unicorn is based in Decatur, GA. Lady Hawthorn is the current High Priestess and has been a practitioner within the tradition for twelve years.

An Old-Fashioned Witch, Sarsen

This presentation will discuss the "village witch" model in the Early Modern period and other evidence of the persistence of pre-Christian belief systems into the modern era. I will also talk about how those practices and the traditional roles of the village witch are and are not reflected in the modern Pagan movement, as well as how they shape my own personal practice.

Ditch Witch: Magical Uses of Common Roadside Plants, Sarsen

Much of southern folk magic is based on whatever you have around...including common weeds. I figured out one day that I know uses for 22 plants that grow wild and common in Georgia, before I stopped counting. I will introduce you to some you may have walked past many times without noticing, and maybe we will take a little stroll around the park to see what else we can find.

Sarsen is an initiate and teacher of the Feri Tradition, a strain of religious witchcraft with its origins in American folk magic. She also teaches classes on Tarot and other witchy subjects.

Ritual 101 – Basic Ritual Theory, Brock

Magical and religious rituals play a highly significant role in the lives of many modern Pagans. Yet we hear a constant litany of complaints from various members of our community that the rituals in which they are participants, or the rituals which they celebrate on their own, are less than satisfying or somehow fail of their purpose. It is my thought that the root of this problem lies in a failure to correctly apprehend the fundamental nature of ritual work. In this workshop I will outline a somewhat different approach to thinking about ritual, which is intended to make ritual work more accessible and less intimidating, and ultimately more successful. For those participants who are new to pagan practice, I hope this will provide a useful introduction to an activity that is for many the heart of what it means to be pagan in this modern age.

Brock has been involved with things esoteric since buying his first Tarot deck in 1975. He is a an initiate in the Oak, Ash, and Thorn Tradition, and was High Priest of Tangled Moon Coven in Clarksville, Tennessee for twelve years until the coven dissolved at Midsummer in 2008. He has taught workshops and led rituals at a number of Pagan festivals and Pagan Pride events in the Mid-South. He currently lives in College Park, Georgia.

Drum Making Exhibit, Michael RedTurtle

Michael RedTurtle will be demonstrating the traditional method he was taught to make a hand drum. He will also be sharing with those who are gathered around, stories that were shared with him about how the drum came to be, what it means and why it is sacred. The presentations take place at his vendor booth.

Michael owns Redturtle Drums, making frame drums and drums of the southeastern tribes, rattles, carved gourds and other traditional southeastern crafts. He also travels to events as a living historian, talking about drums and rhythm-keeping of the Poarch Creek people.

Bellydance for ANY Body, Rajni

Anyone can use the basic movements of Middle Eastern Dance, also known as "Belly Dance," to raise energy, connect with the body that you inhabit, and promote health and happiness. Learn some simple moves that you can start using immediately to awaken your Inner Goddess (or God). This workshop is appropriate for men and women of all ages; however, the instructor requests that minors be accompanied by an adult. The workshop includes a warm-up and cool-down. Loose, comfortable clothing is recommended.

Rajni is a member of Sulukule Bellydance, Northeast Georgia's premier Middle Eastern dance company.