APPD 2009: A Success!

Post date: Oct 15, 2009 2:59:48 PM

We would like to thank everyone who came out for Athens Pagan Pride Day 2009! More than 150 attendees came from all over Georgia and through your generosity, we were able to donate nearly 100 pounds of food to Project Safe, a local organization that aims to end violence against women.

Stay tuned to the website for details about APPD 2010. As in the past, we are seeking performers of magic, magical performers, vendors of wonders, and teachers of wisdom to help celebrate Athens Pagan Pride this fall. Pagan practitioners willing to conduct half-hour workshops to present their faith to the public are also being sought. Singers, dancers, jugglers, firespinners, harpers, pickers, vendors, magicians, diviners, cooks, storytellers, teachers and volunteers of all sorts who would like to participate are should email for more information or visit the APPD website for more information.

Pagan Pride Day is an annual event held in cities world-wide that seeks to foster pride in Pagan identity through education, activism, charity and community.

For more information about the Pagan Pride Project, visit Anyone who identifies as Pagan is welcome to come and show his or her pride. Everyone else is welcome to come and learn all about Paganism. Modern Paganism, which arose in the middle of the last century, has been called the fastest growing religious movement in the world. Paganism encompasses many branches, paths and tradition including traditional and eclectic Wicca, Asatru/Heathenism, Druidry, Pagan reconstructionists, Discordianism, Thelema and countless others.

The Pagan Pride Day celebration in Athens, GA is sponsored by Athens Area Pagans, an organization dedicated to facilitating communication, networking, and connectivity within all parts of the Pagan community in and near Athens.