Red Sparkle

This is an excellent apple: sweet, flavorful, juicy and crisp. It ripens quite late (late in September) so might not ripen in some orchards or in some years, but it seems to be an apple worth waiting for. It is a medium sized apple, about 2 1/2 inches in diameter. The fruit is bright red over a green underlay. The flesh is white.

Red Sparkle are said to keep up to 3 months in cold storage.

The following information is compiled froma few sources, but mostly pomiferous.
Trail x Melba, Dr. C. R. Ure, Morden Research Station, Agriculture Canada, for the Prairie Fruit Breeding Cooperative. Selected at Alberta Special Crops and Horticultural Research Center, Brooks, Alberta, Canada, introduced, 1990. It is said to be hardy to zone 3.