Release 2010 03 19
For the March 19 release, we want to go live in a big way--attract a lot of new interest to the site. In order to do so, I've imagined we will:
Ask people to tweet/retweet a message about the project on 3/19
Limit tweets to 121 characters for ease of retrweet
Use common hashtags to get our message to interested parties:
Use agreed-upon shortened URLs for ease in tracking clicks:
for the .org (easiest domain to remember - redirects to the wiki) -
for the google group (discussions) -
(There is no need for a separate shortened URL for either the wiki or the .com)
Offer several "canned" tweets that can be cut-and-pasted that day:
What do you know about #Agile Software Development? Mentor/Be mentored: The Agile Skills Project
What are key skills that every team member of an #agile team should develop? #Agile2010 (login to #Agile2010 required)
What can we do to promote real learning in the #agile community? #Agile2010 (login to #Agile2010 required) Please RT
The #Agile Skills Project - Mentor/Be Mentored #lean #kanban #scrum Please RT
Are #agile or #scrum certifications helpful or harmless? Which are worth the money? Please RT
Include the phrase: "Please RT" to solicit retweets
Have designated members tweet at specific times of day (morning, mid-day, evening)
Time tweets to provide exposure during prime times of several time zones
Ask all members to change their email signatures on the day of 3/19. Example signature:
Mentor/be mentored: the Agile Skills Project
Finish the items planned in the road map
Prepare some press releases
InfoQ -- Mark Levison
LinkedIn -- ??
Agile Alliance monthly newsletter -- ??
StickyMinds -- ??
DZone -- ??
ask our members to post to their user groups
Find a volunteer to be phone and email contact for press releases
Ask Chet to create a forwarder for to go to the press release contact (currently goes to me)