Business Value

The purpose of any software development effort is to create features that deliver business value. A good Agile developer will focus on delivering that value. They do not add complexity just to make their program ‘cooler’. Instead they will base their work on business priority. They produce a steady stream of running, tested software with real business value. They will build only what is needed to solve today’s problem, knowing that building too little or too much is waste.

Business value is a concept that describes the relative worth of any development effort to the business. Business value is often unquantifiable, but often relates to money (Though in some domains e.g. health care, defense, it might be less directly related than in others e.g. finance, e-commerce.) The relative business value of stories can generally be determined by asking questions to get to the root value proposition of each.

Associated Skills:

Business Value Skills

Note: Skills that have associated wiki pages are hyperlinked to those pages. Also, clicking on the mind map to the right will take you to the "Seven Pillars Mind Map".