Agile Skills Inventory

The Seven Pillars

We have identified seven primary skill areas which contribute to effective Agile software development. Team members who possess skills in all these areas will be better equipped to fully participate in the life of an Agile team.

Business Value

An agile software developer knows how to focus on and deliver just what is needed to solve today's problem, so that we can solicit user feedback before choosing tomorrow's top priority. {continued...}


Teamwork is the heart of Agile software development; the productivity of the team as a whole is much greater than that of the individual members. {continued...}


Software health and project status are readily reported in transparent, unambiguous terms, often with automated reports or big visible charts. {continued...}


Agile teams share an overall vision of what they are working to achieve, this is the context in which they will be delivering business value. {continued...}

Self Improvement

An Agile team member believes that improving oneself (in a collaborative spirit) will ultimately enhance the team and the product as well.{continued...}

Supportive Culture

Executives, managers, and team members acknowledge that high productivity only exists in a trusting environment, where learning is expected and mistakes are tolerated. {continued...}

Technical Excellence

Developers make sound technical choices and take a no-compromise attitude towards quality. {continued...}