Stand Up Meetings


A daily team meeting, commonly at or near the start of the day, to coordinate efforts among team members.


    • Same time every day

    • Entire Team Attends

    • Limit to 15 minutes

    • Contents Vary:

Scrum Teams often report: What you accomplished Yesterday / What you will do today / What impediments do you have

Other teams focus on: What's left to finish the work in progress? Any blockers?

    • Take any other discussions: "off-line"

    • Some teams pass a "token", which serves the purpose of identifying the one person who is speaking.

Support Pillars:


Steps to Mastery:

    • Questioning : Doesn't see the value of standups. Regularly conducts long conversations during meetings.

    • Learning : Sees value in standups. Occasionally needs to be reminded about meeting format format.

    • Practicing : Makes an effort to keep their contributions within the meeting format.

    • Journeying : Consistently keeps their contributions within the meeting format.

    • Mastering : Helps keep meetings focused. Helps form mini-teams of concerned parties for offline discussions.

    • Contributing : Teaches or writes about solving complex standup meeting challenges.


It's Not Just Standing Up: Patterns of Daily Stand-up Meetings, by Martin Fowler