Recent books in Membrane computing

Post date: Apr 12, 2011 10:38:13 AM

Computing with Cells

Advances in Membrane Computing

Pierluigi Frisco

ISBN13: 9780199542864

ISBN10: 0199542864

Hardback, 336 pages

Jun 2009,

In Stock


Membrane systems are a new class of distributed and parallel model of computation inspired by the subdivision of living cells into compartments delimited by membranes. Their hierarchal internal structure, their locality of interactions, their inherent parallelism and also their capacity to create new compartments, represent the distinguishing hallmarks of membrane systems.

Membrane computing, the study of membrane systems, is a fascinating and fast growing area of research. The main streams of current investigations in Membrane Computing concern theoretical computer science and the modeling of complex systems. In this monograph, Pierluigi Frisco considers the former trend: he presents an in-depth study of the formal language and computational complexity aspects of the most widely investigated models of membrane systems.

The study gives a comprehensive understanding of the computational power of the models considered, shows different proof techniques used for each study, and introduces links highlighting the similarities and differences between their computational power. These models cover a broad range of features, giving a grasp of the enormous flexibility of the framework offered by membrane systems.


    • Exciting and growing area of research
    • Examples accompany each of the models of membrane systems covered
    • The basic background of biological phenomena that inspire the models are given
    • Authored by a leading researcher
    • Comprehensive and clear exposition

Product Details

336 pages; 94 line illus.; 6 x 9;

ISBN13: 978-0-19-954286-4

ISBN10: 0-19-954286-4

About the Author(s)

Dr. P. Frisco graduated in Computer Science in 1997 at the Universita degli studi di Milano (Italy) following a thesis in the field of Molecular Computing. After graduating he worked as software developer. In 1998 he obtained a two-year scholarship for a stay at the Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Universiteit Leiden (The Netherlands). In 2000 he became a PhD student in this institute. In June 2004 he successfully completed his PhD thesis titled: `Theory of Molecular Computing - Splicing and Membrane Systems'. In September of the same year he was appointed lecturer at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Exeter. In March 2006 he was appointed lecturer at the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, where he currently works.



The Oxford Handbook of Membrane Computing

Edited by Gheorghe Paun

ISBN: 9780199556670

Published: 24/12/2009

Availability: Backorder (import)


Part of the broader research field of natural computing, Membrane Computing is an area within computing science that aims to abstract computing ideas and models from the structure and functioning of living cells, as well as from the way the cells are organized in tissues or higher order structures. This handbook provides both a comprehensive survey of available knowledge and established research topics, and a guide to recent developments in the field, covering the subject from theory to applications. The handbook is suitable both for introducing novices to this area of research, and as a main source of reference for active researchers. It sets out the necessary biological and formal background, with the introductory chapter serving as a gentle introduction to and overview of membrane computing. Individual chapters, written by leading researchers in membrane computing, present the state of the art of all main r`search trends and include extensive bibliographies.