1st International Conference on Developments in Membrane Computing

Post date: Oct 4, 2011 1:51:48 PM

International Conference on Developments in Membrane Computing (Jan 30 - Feb 3, 2012, Seville, Spain)

The main goal of this International Conference is the presentation of the most recent results on global progress in the discipline of Membrane Computing, specially as a formal framework for computational modelling in Systems and Synthetic Biology. In addition, the meeting will be an ideal forum to bring together researchers interested in Membrane Computing (theory and applications), in order to exchange ideas, problems, solutions, and to work together in a friendly environment.

This event is funded by:

    • IV Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla, Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla.
    • Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia. Junta de Andalucía.
    • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Gobierno de España.
    • Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial. Universidad de Sevilla.
    • Endesa S. A.

Organizing Committee

    1. Mario de J. Pérez Jiménez
    2. Manuel García-Quismondo Fernández
    3. Carmen Graciani Díaz
    4. Miguel A. Gutiérrez Naranjo
    5. Luis Felipe Macías Ramos
    6. Miguel A. Martínez del Amor
    7. Gheorghe Paun
    8. Ignacio Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza
    9. Agustín Riscos Núñez
    10. Francisco J. Romero Campero
    11. Álvaro Romero Jiménez
    12. Luis Valencia Cabrera

Invited Speakers

    1. Henry N. Adorna, Dpt. of Computer Science, University of the Philippines.
    2. Ioan Ardelean, Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy.
    3. María Angels Colomer, Dpto. de Matematica, Universidad de Lleida.
    4. Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju, Computer and Automation Research Institute. Hungarian Academy of Science.
    5. Marian Gheorghe, Dpt. of Computer Science. University of Sheffield, U.K.
    6. Florentin Ipate, Dpt. of Computer Science. University of Pitesti, Romania.
    7. Vincenzo Manca, Dpt. of Computer Science. University of Verona, Italy.
    8. Giancarlo Mauri, Dpto. Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione. Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. Italy.
    9. Radu Nicolescu, Dpt. of Computer Science. The University of Auckland, New Zealand.
    10. Adam Obtulowicz, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
    11. Yurii Rogozhin, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. Academy of Sciences. Republic of Moldova.
    12. José María Sempere Luna. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
    13. Petr. Sosik, Institute of Computer Science, Silesian University of Opava. Czech Republic.
    14. Gyorgy Vaszil, Computer and Automation Research Institute. Hungarian Academy of Science.
    15. Claudio Zandron, Dpto. Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione. Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. Italy.

More info and updates at the site: http://www.gcn.us.es/?q=icdmc2012