12th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing

Post date: Feb 4, 2014 10:46:07 AM

12th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing

The members of the

Research Group on Natural Computing

would like to dedicate this 12th edition to

the head of the group, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez,

on the occasion of his 65th Birthday.

Following previous editions, the goal of this meeting is to bring together researchers interested in Membrane Computing (theory and applications), in order to exchange ideas, problems, solutions, and to work together in a friendly environment. Only invited talks and short and provocative presentations will be scheduled during the first days. The rest of the meeting will be mainly devoted to joint work. Those interested in giving presentations should inform the organisers (ariscosn,mdelamor 'at' us.es) a few days before the meeting. The participants are strongly encouraged to circulate open problems and research proposals over the Internet by using the open problems mailing list.

More information and the brainstorming poster can be found at the official site: http://www.gcn.us.es/?q=12bwmc