Expanding Formal Language and Automata Theory: Bio-inspired Computational Models

Post date: Apr 12, 2011 2:40:10 AM

Expanding Formal Language and Automata Theory: Bio-inspired Computational Models

by Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú and György Vaszil

One of the goals of research in bio-inspired computing is to create new and powerful computational paradigms based on the study of the structure and behaviour of living systems. The investigations can be based on different mathematical disciplines. The Theoretical Computer Science Research Group of SZTAKI aims to expand the classic fields of automata and formal languages to explore the limits of syntactical approaches in describing natural systems.

One major characteristics of living systems is the distributed organization of their components. For this reason, our investigations concentrate on distributed bio-inspired computational models. We enhance the tools and techniques provided by formal language and automata theory with novel elements to obtain computational models which could help to provide a better understanding and a more precise description of the theoretical principles, the driving forces behind natural processes.

More from the source: http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en85/special/expanding-formal-language-and-automata-theory-bio-inspired-computational-models