Abstracts and Biographies

Abstracts and Biographies

Programme Directors

Mr Mduduzi Ncongwane & Mr Jacques du Toit

Wednesday, 09 September 2020


Prof Steward Mothata 


Prof Luvuyo Lumkile Lalendle

Keynote Speaker

Quality Assurance and Academic Development as Interventions to Improve Student Success: Why are we not More Successful?

Prof Narend Baijnath

Stellenbosch University Student Representative Council presentation/ response regarding their perspective on the responsiveness of higher education to COVID19?

Ms Luigia Nicholas

University of South Africa Regional Student Representative Council presentation/ response regarding their perspective on the responsiveness of higher education to COVID19?

Ms Sisipho Saunders

University of Cape Town Student Representative Council presentation/ response regarding their perspective on the responsiveness of higher education to COVID19?

Mr Akha Tutu

Thursday, 10 September 2020


Dr Shahieda Jansen

Keynote Speaker

Creating a quality DNA for higher education during a pandemic

Dr Keith Jacobs

NEHAWU : A union’s perspective on UNISA’s response to the pandemic

Mr Lunathi Hontoti 

APSA: A union’s perspective on UNISA’s response to the pandemic

Mr Johan Jonker

Staff support during the pandemic and subsequent lockdown: Reflections and insights gained from learning and teaching remotely

Prof Venicia McGhie


Friday, 11 September 2020


Dr Keith Jacobs

Keynote Speaker

Pedagogies of well-being in a pandemic (and other crises)

Prof Chris Winberg

Developing a Cosmopolitanist-deliberative Framework for MOOCs in South African (Higher) Education

Dr Zayd Waghid 


Humanising Online Postgraduate Supervision During a Crisis

Dr Nompilo Tshuma

Thinking outside the box: Reinventing Work-Integrated Learning (Teaching Practice) in a time of crisis

Ms Adrienne van As

Professional Readiness and socially aware Responsiveness

Dr Kasturi Behari-Leak

Closing of the symposium

Dr Kasturi Behari-Leak