Academic Development Symposium

Unisa Western Cape Region - Cape Town

  8th Annual Academic Development Symposium

in collaboration with the Division of Community Development and Outreach 

Tirisano Project (College of Human Science)

“Higher Education for Social Justice and Development”

How Engaged Scholarship Transforms Academic Institutions

Date: 07 & 08 September 2022

Time: 08h00 to 13h15

Venue: MS Teams Online

Enquiries:  Email only - 

Programme Director

Dr Xolisa Mazibuko

Keynote Speaker

07 September 2022

Dr Genevieve James

University of South Africa

Panel Sessions (Academics)

Mr Leon Roets

Tirisano Project: Justice and Inclusivity

Prof Ignatius Gous 

(University of South Africa)

Tommy Mabala & Mokopane Marakalala 

(College of Law University of South Africa)

Panell Sessions (Community)

Ms Catherine Makwakwa 

(Lefika Orphan Care)

Dr Willie Cilliers

(Afrikaans Commercial Institution)


The use of the slogan ‘Respice Prospice!’ draws its inspiration from the motto of the University of the Western Cape. This slogan is described on their university’s website as ‘look back, to look forward - to take what is worthy from the past and build the future’. This slogan is also broadly translated into ‘Let the rich experiences of our past, inform our actions in the future’ or ‘Look to the past to have a vision for the future.’ 

With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, much focus was given to the revisitation of teaching and learning models in the ambit of higher education in South Africa.  However, these changes also brought along didactic and opinionated institutional views on accessibility, equity, student and staff emotional well-being, student and staff resilience, student retention and digification as an agent of transposition in higher education.  There has been general consensus that significant, inevitable, long-lasting changes in higher education will resonate for generations to come. As propounded by the International Association of Universities – Covid-19 Global Impact Survey, 2020, 

At the same time, many universities and other higher education institutions already foresee the impacts of the move online or the impacts of economic crisis on national and international students and their families, including closure of universities for short, medium or long term.

The 7th annual Unisa Western Cape Academic Development Symposium will focus on eliciting conversations based on lessons learnt from the past and the present – to inform, navigate and conjoin the impact of the pandemic with intellectual forecasting to help shape the future of higher education institutions in South Africa.