Developing a Cosmopolitanist-deliberative Framework for MOOCs in South African (Higher) Education 


Dr Zayd Waghid

Cape Peninsula University of Technology 

Zayd Waghid is senior lecturer of business and economics education in the Faculty of Education at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in South Africa. He is the co-author of three books, Educational Technology and Pedagogic Encounters: Democratic Education in Potentiality in 2016 (Sense Publishers), Rupturing African Philosophy of Teaching and Learning: Ubuntu Justice and Education in 2018 (Palgrave-MacMillan) and Cosmopolitan Education and Inclusion: The Self and Others in Deliberation in 2020 (Palgrave-MacMillan). His current research interests are in the field of social justice education and educational technology within the context of teacher education.


The need for a MOOC that aims to enhance African and Western knowledge sharing across geographical and cultural boundaries, on the one hand, while addressing societal inequities of student access to higher education in Africa, on the other, is vital in the quest for addressing instances of cognitive and social injustice in southern contexts. With further research required into Southern learner-educator experiences, MOOCs premised on what I argue for in this presentation, namely the defence of a cosmopolitanist-deliberative framework could create learning opportunities for students in such contexts in harnessing the educational potential of the Internet. Such an understanding of MOOCs holds for students the possibility of transforming the societal inequities of student access to higher education of the Southern contexts through knowledge acquisition, sharing, and co-construction towards developing agency in such students. In this presentation, I aim to respond to the following question: