APSA: A union’s perspective on UNISA’s response to the pandemic


Mr Johan Jonker


Johan Jonker is an academic at the School of Criminal Justice: College of Law, at the University of South Africa (UNISA). Having obtained qualifications in both Law and Management, he has been teaching both law and management modules since 1995, resulting in extensive multi-disciplinary knowledge and experience. Mr Jonker has co-authored 4 academic books, authored several training manuals as well as comprehensive study guides. He presented many papers at national and international conferences and presented training and short courses in Strategic Management, Criminal Justice and Human Rights to senior public officials. Teaching experience has been complemented by legal, management, and leadership experience during his 15 years in leadership positions, including 7 years (2008-2014) as an elected General Secretary of a Higher Education Labour Union. Participation in high level strategic liaison and university governance for more than 20 years, included active participation in University Council committees and the University Institutional Forum (IF), the statutory body that advises the University Council. Other experience included, negotiations, policy formulation, restructuring, conflict management, dispute resolution and coordinating litigation. This included active participation in collective bargaining in the UNISA Bargaining Forum (UBF), for more than 15 years. He is currently the Chairperson of APSA UNISA, one of only two unions active as recognised unions in UNISA. He contributed significantly to the collective drafting and amendment of several university policies and procedures. Further, he contributed to the drafting and amendment of Legislation. Johan has made advisory presentations, as a member of two Section 11 Committees of the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC).