Report on 2/13/2013 Meeting
Post date: Feb 16, 2013 5:21:37 AM
A2VIG Members--
Thanks to everyone who came to the February 13 , 2013, A2VIG meeting at Cubs' A.C. or helped promote it.
20 people RSVP'ed that they would be there... we ended up with 30! (Almost too many for the way we set up the Cubs' A.C. meeting room.)
Following a quick round of attendee introductions, we had a few brief "show & tell" presentations by members followed by some member discussions on some timely topics.
The meeting was live streamed on Ustream and since transferred to Youtube. (That video and the video of the first meeting on Jan 16 are available to members.)
We are scouting out potential venues for future meetings since we were almost at capacity at both of the first two meetings. Email with any suggestions.
Check out the the A2VIG website for new pages/postings, including:
a speaker sign-up form to present at future A2VIG meetings (Hope to have presenters lined up for the next few months)
a gig form for anyone to request video help from group members (Will provide a way for members to view gig requests)
an RSVP form for the March 13 A2VIG meeting
the member info form
... and a separate unlisted website for A2VIG videos:
a video page for members only to view live video of future meetings and recorded videos of past meetings
Hope to see many of you at the March 13 meeting.
Ann Arbor Video Interest Group (A2VIG) admin