04/11/2022 A2VIG
Ann Arbor Video Interest Group (A2VIG)
for anyone interested in video in any way
Next A2VIG Meeting: 7:00-8:30 pm, Monday, April 11, 2022
Location: Zoom meeting (Zoom link will be sent out a few hours before the 7:00 pm meeting to those that RSVP )
Agenda for the meeting:
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
Introduce yourself
Share what's happened to you since the last meeting
7:15 - Topic - Let's talk about A2VIG!
Since we do not have a speaker for this meeting, so we’ll gather on Zoom to discuss A2VIG itself
Ponder this question:
What benefits have you received from A2VIG, and what more can A2VIG provide to help you?
We'll also review any responses to the survey we sent out 4/7/22
8:15 - Video "Asks"
Open forum for those seeking help, resources, and advice for video projects, business grants & loans, etc.
8:25 - Show and Tell - Videos created by and/or starring our members
Submit requests to show videos (shorter than 5 minutes) to scott@videoandinternetstuff.com.
8:30 - Next meeting info & adjournment
RSVP here so we can gauge attendance
Here's the RSVP list of those who have already responded.
We're always lining up keynote speakers & topics for future A2VIG meetings.
Submit your suggestions here.
Future A2VIG Meetings : Monday, April 11, 2022 7:00-9:00 pm
Do you provide video or related services?
...become a member...
Fill out this Member Info Form
Come to an A2VIG meeting (see above)
Need help making a video?
... click here
Participating members will respond
www.a2vig.,org Copyright 2022